Taken with the flash. I couldn't decided between this and the next photo so I uploaded both.
Without flash, Jansen says he prefers this photo. Me? I'm not sure, I think both have their charms.
Eating at Tam Kah Restaurant at Chinatown. Their speciality: Shark's fin. So this is their signature dish: Shark's fin soup with scallop.
The platter of super goodies! And for any of you wondering... Yes... Those are my Mom's boobs in the background.
Dessert! Not sure what this is called... :P It was yummy though.
Egg tart with bird's nest. (See that brown centre on the surface of the egg tarts? That's the bird's nest)
So I suppose this meeting was going to happen sooner or later and I was nervous as heck yesterday but I'm glad that everything went alright in the end.
Nervous as heck yesterday since their official first meeting during Christmas wasn't exactly fantastic. (Parents invited them to our house but barely spoke to them since they were entertaining other guests.) So this time, I'm glad at least they got a chance to talk... I was worried it would be 'Silence of the Lambs' or something.
They're already pre-invited to Chinese New Year celebrations at my place this year so hopefully things will go even smoother from there...
Martha heard about it and was asking me this morning if our parents are discussing marriage plans already. Well, no... But it does look (On my side) like they are starting to get a little ahead of themselves. My Dad already bought 2 CK full suits and my Mom is already asking is a wedding is confirmed coming on the way. (This was my response to Martha)
..... Seriously??
The news that I'm getting hitched soon is spreading like wildfire in my family and seriously I have no idea how that came about... (I suspect my grandmothers, who are both, by the way threatening that if I don't marry soon, they won't be able to live to see my big day. -_-\\\) But I guess we are already at THAT age... Ah well. What happens happens~!
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